Yule 2024

Welcome Family and Friends to Our Yule Celebration


Join Their Excellencies of Borealis as they shine some light in the depths of Avacal’s winter at Their Yule Event!

Celebrate the return of longer days and the light that comes with it. With the return of the sun, we will be choosing new Arts & Sciences, Bardic, and Youth champions.

There will be games of chance, competitions, and feasting!


Event Facebook Page

Date & Time:
December 13-15, 2024
Site opens from 7 pm – 11 pm on December 9 for set up only
Gate Opens at 9:00 am on December 13th.
The site closes 3ish on December 15th.
9210 118 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5G 0N2
Event Site Fees
Feast Fees
Adult – TBA
Youth (13- 18)- TBA
Children (0-12) – Free

Event Stewards

Feast Stewards


Merchant Steward  

Bardic Championship 

Greetings unto the populace! My time as Bardic Champion of Borealis is drawing to a close in December. At Yule Feast, my successor will be chosen. In order to give time to prepare, I now issue a challenge to the bards of Borealis! Please prepare two pieces, based on these criteria:
  1. A persona challenge: Most cultures known in the SCA have some form of winter festival. Please perform something that would have been known by your persona in period when celebrating their winter festival. It can be a song, poem, story, or any other type of performance, but must be documented from before 1600 CE/AD. (Yes, some form of documentation must be provided to the judges.)
  2. A baronial challenge: The Shire of Borealis was created in 1981, in the Principality of An Tir, in the Kingdom of the West. In 1984, we became a Barony built of multiple Cantons. As such, we have a long history in the North of the Known World.  However, how well do we know that history? The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to create a performance to celebrate something or someone in that 43-year history. You can perform something that has already been created, but bonus points will go to something that you have created yourself. Please make sure that you have the permission of the major players in the story/song if possible.
Remember that you must have a valid SCA membership and live within the boundaries of the Barony of Borealis to be a champion. Please submit your intent to vie via email to Their Excellencies (borealis.bandb@avacal.org) and me (wickedfairy59@gmail.com) by Sunday, November 10. Include the following in your letter of intent:
  1. Your SCA name
  2. Your mundane name
  3. The type (i.e. song, story, instrumental song, dance, etc) and title of your performances
  4. The time period and location of your persona piece
I look forward to hearing and seeing the creativity of our Barony! Yours in service, HL Fionnghuala ingen Chellaig Bardic Champion of Borealis Thank you, Fionnghuala

Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.